Friday, November 30, 2007

Tips to help you choose the video editing products

Video editing used to be something that was only used by movie makers and those that had a good amount of money to spend. Today, there are some very cool video editing software programs out there that are designed and used by many home computer users. This makes editing a video just as easy as snapping and using a photo. There are many things that you could not do before that you now can. Video editing is something that many will use throughout the coming years.

But, if you are to purchase video editing software, what should you use? What should you purchase? Here are some tips to help you choose the video editing products that you should purchase for your needs.

• First off, know what those needs are. For many, you simply want to take your home movie of the family vacation and edit it out. But, if you want to do additional things to it, you will likely need to insure that those features are available to you in whichever product you choose to purchase.

• You will also want to make sure that the video editing software that you choose, works on your computer as well as with your digital devices such as your mobile phones, your video camera, and your digital camera. These things will matter in what you can use the editing software for.

• Go ahead and check out the bells and whistles that these things have. You will be impressed by how many various types of editing you can do. For example, you can dub over sound, you can cut and add in graphics, and you can take everything out of order without running the original pieces.

• You will want to look for quality as well as user friendliness. The more able you are to use the editing software, the more often you will use it.

Video editing has come a long way and features huge amounts of features that you just have to take advantage of. More than likely, it will continue to grow as well!

Video Editing Equipment

Video editing is both an Artistic and Technical process in which a collection of video material (footage) is compiled and altered from its original form to create a new version.

The artistic process of video editing consists of deciding what elements to retain, delete, or combine from various sources so that they come together in an organized, logical, and visually pleasing manner.

The technical process of video editing consists of copying the various elements onto a single video tape (or CD Rom, or other media) for final viewing or distribution.
Now, YOU can edit your own videos, and on a small budget. And I’m going to guide you and tell you what you need.

the equipment you need is:

1) A latest computer specifications
2) A camcorder
3) Video editing software

A latest computer specifications

Suggestions :
Intel Core 2 Duo
512 or 1GB MB of RAM
120GB Hard Disk Drive
DVD-RW Drive
17" Monitor
AGP or PCI Express Graphics Card
Sound Card

A Camcoder

Sony HDW-750 HDCAM High Definition Camcorder, 1080/60i, Multi Matrix, and TruEye Processing


The Sony HDW-750 is an ENG-style camcorder that shoots Sony's industry leading HDCAM format. This camera is the perfect solution for those that are accustomed to the lightweight, ergonomic Betacam series of cameras, but are looking to shoot in high definition. As high definition acquisition increases, more professionals are looking to "future-proof" their footage in anticipation for the wide spread acceptance of HDTV technology.

The camera is equipped with a stunning feature-set that allows for extensive image manipulation. These features include color balance, highlight control and adjustable gamma curves. One interesting feature is the Multi Matrix function, which effectively lets you select a specific color object and change it without altering the surrounding image. Sony's Memory Stick drive has also been placed in the camera, allowing the operator to store important metadata, such as camera settings, for future use.

Key Features

Multi Matrix Technology

Multi Matrix technology creates many opportunities for cinematographers to put their own creative stamp on the footage they shoot. The technology allows the user to select a specific color in the image and manipulate its hue. The hue can be adjusted up to 22.5 degrees. This all happens in-camera with no post-production necessary.

TruEye Knee Saturation Control

Possibly the most amazing feature of the camera is TruEye. TruEye improves the camera's ability to handle various levels of highlights within one shot. This can be very useful for instances such as shooting outdoor scenery while being confined indoors. Cameras traditionally have to choose to compensate for one or the other. This produces either blown out highlights to the brightly lit areas of the image or a dimly lit frame, depending on what part of the image the camera decides to calibrate. TruEye identifies differences within the image and compensates intelligently, according to the specific light situation of each part of the frame. The resultant image is one that can be just as vibrant indoors as out, simultaneously!

Memory Stick Data Storage

The HDW-750 has a Memory Stick drive, which can be used to store scene specific data. This data can include camera options, scene, and take. The data can then be retrieved and automatically sent back to the camera. This can be critical when trying to match footage with something previously shot in the same location.

Infinitely Adjustable

The HDW-750 has a wide array of adjustable image controls that translate into stunningly accurate images. The Auto-Tracing White Balance is useful in situations where one must quickly move between indoor and outdoor (natural and unnatural) lighting situations. Color temperature control can be used to choose between images that appear cooler with more bluish tones, or warmer with more reddish ones. Lastly, gamma curve adjustment can be performed in camera and will provide a wide range of tonal choices across the entire image.

Low-Light Capability

The camera features a Power HAD sensor that has amazing ability to shoot in low light conditions. Images will appear crisp with shadows and highlights

Video Editing Software

i)Power Director
ii)Ulead Video Studio
iii) Pinnacle Studio
iv)Adobe Premier Elements
v) ShowBiz DVD

Now, get started, get creative, add all sorts of different special effects, arranging your footage into multiple sequences, creating transitions and adding a soundtrack. Anything is possible! Whether you are editing your family videos, or trying to make a short video clip to put online, professional software and equipment is available to you on all sorts of budgets.